✍️ TWJN 126 | FORTY calls to pitch and freelance writing opps for ya 😊

We've got 27 pitches and 13 writing job opps!!

Happy Sunday to 7,056 motivated writers 👋🏼 

How’s everyone doing? I’m doing great!

I hope all y’all in the US are feeling good after the long weekend 😊 It always feels like those long weekends are so action packed.. I feel like I need another to recover 😅 (sidebar - check this blog from Hopscotch)

It’s a big week of opps.. we’ve got 40 for ya! 🤩

Now, I know people are saying it might get harder to find freelance opps with all the changes to Twitter (and Facebook’s Threads…)

But publications are still going to need to find writers, and I’ll keep doing my best to find them for you 😊

Let’s jump in!! ⬇️ ⬇️


⚡️ TWJN Pro Supporters get more content ⚡️

A second weekly update on Wednesdays with early access to opps

An exclusive list of all the publications that pay. That’s over 800 so far!

A list of over 1,500 pitch calls.. with actual pay rates 

Sign up here


So, what do we have this week?

2️⃣ 27 calls to pitch, 16 early access for TWJN Pro ⚡️

3️⃣ 13 writing jobs

Let’s get to it! ⬇️ ⬇️


1️⃣ Resource of the Week

This one is timely! I know a lot of us are planning trips this summer.. Our friends at Hopscotch are back with a useful free guide

Struggling with burnout? Get paid to take a vacation this summer!

Most freelancers forget to build vacation days into our schedules. Taking time off can feel impossible in between everything we have going on...

  • Running a business

  • Pitching work for new clients

  • Managing deadlines

  • And actually doing the work

When you’re spinning that many plates, setting them down for a second has real consequences - a missed opp, a disappointed client… I know I’ve been there 🙈

What if there was a way to vacation without the stress? To keep cash coming in the door and leverage big opportunities without ever opening your inbox…maybe while sipping a frozen drink with a little umbrella garnish? 😯

This guide from Hopscotch has 6 simple strategies for freelancers looking to pump up revenue, control cash flow, and head OOO with zero stress.

Give it a read here.. it’s free!


2️⃣ Calls to Pitch

Free subscribers receive these updates on Sunday. TWJN Pro Supporters got an update on Wednesday with all posts with a ⚡️

Sign up to get early access to opportunities here

⚡️(£300) Container | They’re open for tech and climate stories through to the end of the year. Guidelines here. Deadline July 31

⚡️($130) Feminist Food Journal | Foodie writers 👀 This pitch call is for their SEA issue, which explores the sea and how it relates to what we consume and how we consume it. Issue specific guidelines here, general guidelines here. Deadline July 11

⚡️($1 per word, estimate) John Hopkins Magazine | Greg is always looking for pitches for this hospital focused magazine. See their magazine here for an idea of the different departments and what they feature. Estimate here

($150 - $300) This Magazine | Pitches are open for their annual Culture issue. This year, they’re focused on the theme of DIY 👷🏽‍♀️ Guidelines here. Deadline July 21


3️⃣ Writing Jobs

⚡️(Paid, Remote UK) Talk TV | Freelance social media video journalists to help with their viral news content team. Reach out to Lindsey for more

($72,000 - $87,000, Hybrid CA) Center for Health Journalism at USC | Collaborative editor to help launch a new non-profit journalism collaborative focused on health and health equity. More info and apply here


PS here’s a link to the Hopscotch blog, in case you missed it 😊

⚡️ TWJN Pro Supporters get more content ⚡️

A second weekly update on Wednesdays with early access to opps

An exclusive list of all the publications that pay. That’s over 800 so far!

A list of over 1,500 pitch calls.. with actual pay rates

I’m out!