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✍️ TWJN 131 | Thirty five freelance opps coming at you from the UK 🇬🇧

A little jetlagged but feeling good about this week 😌

Happy Sunday to 7,261 motivated writers 👋🏼 

How’s everyone doing? I’m doing great… although a little jet lagged!

So last week I was typing this up frantically at an airport, on the way to Philly. This time, I’m writing it up frantically back home in the UK 😊

We’re heading to an off grid cabin up in Snowdonia National Park for a few days. I’m SO looking forward to disconnecting.

Always a good reminder to unplug and recharge 😌

** PSA - Supporters will get the extra update on Thurs instead! PSA**

Let’s get to it!


⚡️ TWJN Pro Supporters get more content ⚡️

A second weekly update on Wednesdays with early access to opps

An exclusive list of all the publications that pay. That’s over 800 so far!

A list of over 1,500 pitch calls.. with actual pay rates 


So, what do we have this week?

2️⃣ 20 calls to pitch, 15 early access for TWJN Pro ⚡️

3️⃣ 18 writing jobs

Let’s get to it! ⬇️ ⬇️


1️⃣ Resource of the week

Events like this are why I love the online freelance writing community 😊

The Institute of Independent Journalists are running a monthly series of webinars for freelance writers (for free!!)

There’s a webinar a month through the end of the year, covering everything from Health & Science, to Insurance, to travel & lifestyle.

Check it out here (limited to 500 people, first come first served)


2️⃣ Calls to Pitch

Free subscribers receive these updates on Sunday. TWJN Pro Supporters got an update on Wednesday with all posts with a ⚡️

Sign up to get early access to opportunities here

⚡️($0.08 - $0.12 per word) TBM Games | They’re looking at working with new writers in the fantasy TTRPG space Examples here

($0.10- $0.15 CAD per word, estimate) | Non-fic writers! All sorts of pieces, from analysis, reporting, but always with a strong storyline Guidelines here Estimate here Deadline Aug 22


2️⃣ Writing jobs

⚡️($100,000 - $120,000, Remote US) Insider | Finance writers! Laura is looking for a senior credit cards editor More info and apply here

⚡️($53,000 - $71,000, Remote US) Audubon Magazine | Bird loving writers, this one is for you 😊 They're looking for an associate editor more info and apply here

⚡️(£30,000 - £40,000, Remote UK) Digital Frontier | Multiple reporter opps on the future of business, finance, and culture, who will be focused on deeply reported features see posting on LinkedIn here

(Paid, Remote US) Powder Magazine | Skiers! ⛷️🗻Trending news writers for PowderMagazine More info here


PS here’s a link to the webinar series, in case you missed it 😊

⚡️ TWJN Pro Supporters get more content ⚡️

A second weekly update on Wednesdays with early access to opps

An exclusive list of all the publications that pay. That’s over 800 so far!

A list of over 1,500 pitch calls.. with actual pay rates

PPS - I’m testing a new email provider.. what do ya’ll think??