✍️ TWJN 141 | Forty five writing opps just for you 💙

22 pitch calls & 23 writing job opps 💥

Happy Sunday to 7,690 motivated writers 👋🏼 

How’s everyone doing? I’m doing great!

We’ve got 45 pitch calls and writing jobs. Five pitches over $300 🤑

Another week, another city!! Writing this up from sunny Orlando, FL ☀️

It’s another huge week of opps, so let’s get to it!!

⚡️ TWJN Pro Supporters get more content ⚡️

  A second weekly update on Wednesdays with early access to opps

  An exclusive list of all the publications that pay. That’s over 800 so far!

  A list of over 1,500 pitch calls.. with actual pay rates 

So, what do we have this week?

2️⃣ 22 calls to pitch, 11 early access for TWJN Pro ⚡️

3️⃣ 23 writing jobs

Let’s get to it! ⬇️ ⬇️

1️⃣ Resource of the Week

Here’s one of my fav recent pieces that discusses an issue most writers go through - writer’s block. 

Knowing the causes of and how to overcome writer’s block is super helpful, especially for freelance writers!

Give it a read here 🤓

2️⃣ Calls to Pitch

Free subscribers receive these updates on Sunday. TWJN Pro Supporters got an update on Wednesday with all posts with a ⚡️

Sign up to get early access to opportunities here

⚡️($100 - $400) Chicago Reader | Chicago journos! Shawn is always looking for pitches about any Chicago-related - features, investigations, profiles, etc. Especially looking to hear from POC and LGBTQ+ writers! Send pitches to [email protected]

($200+) Insider | Married writers! Paige is looking for pitches for stories of honeymoon mishaps. Deadline is Oct 25. Example article here. DM your pitches to Paige on Twitter

($200) University of Texas at Austin | US journos! UT Austin’s Center for Media Engagement is looking for reporters to write a news story about the impacts of climate change on their local area (350-450 words) as part of a research study. Email [email protected] (a) the approximate number of articles you have published in the past year in non-student outlets, (b) links to 3 or 4 articles you have written

($1 per word) New Scientist | Space journos! 🪐 Timothy is looking for pitches about space news! Examples here. Email pitches to [email protected]

3️⃣ Writing Jobs

⚡️($79,214, New York, NY) New York Times | Budding journos! The New York Times is now accepting applications for its 2024 - 2025 fellowship class. Deadline is Dec 1. See roles and apply here

⚡️($65,000 - $80,000, New York, NY) New York Focus | NY editors & reporters! New York Focus is hiring an editor and Capitol reporter. Apply here

⚡️($1,640 biweekly stipend, Remote US) High Country News | Gretchen is hiring two full-time fellows to join the editorial team for 2024. Deadline is Nov 3. Info and application here

⚡️($20 per hour, New York, NY) The Paris Review | NY young journos! The Paris Review is hiring interns for their Spring-Summer internship. Deadline is Nov 15. Apply here

⚡️($18 per hour, Hybrid New York, NY) The Nation | NY young journos! Samantha is hiring interns for their 6-month internship, starting in January. Deadline is Nov 19. Apply here

⚡️ TWJN Pro Supporters get more content ⚡️

  A second weekly update on Wednesdays with early access to opps

  An exclusive list of all the publications that pay. That’s over 800 so far!

  A list of over 1,500 pitch calls.. with actual pay rates 

PS - Any other Swifties out there as excited for the 1989 TV release as I am??? Would love to hear what your fave TS songs are! I’ve got “Clean” and “Out of the Woods” on repeat all week 💙🌲