✍️ TWJN | $4,000 Grant Program for Our Readers

yes... you read that right 😉

💸$4,000 Grant Program for Our Readers 💸

TWJN has partnered with Study Hall (https://studyhall.xyz/) to bring you this special announcement about a $4000 community grant program they’ve kicked off for people like us.

All readers of The Writer’s Job are invited to apply.

Study Hall’s Own Your Work grant is only for Study Hall community members, but in order to expand access they’ve created a discount code to give readers of The Writer’s Job access to apply and 90 days of free membership.

Sign up for Study Hall here and use the code “GRANT90”: https://studyhall.xyz/pricing/

Then apply for the grant here: https://forms.gle/ybmhDNNVAWUreK3T8 

Study Hall’s “Own Your Work” Grant

By Matt Saincome of Study Hall:

“Study Hall is awarding $4000 in grants to individuals or teams who want to create a project. The micro-grant recipients will entirely own their project. Along with $4000 in funding, Study Hall will provide mentoring, advice, and some social promotion. Whether you create a newsletter, blog, social media account, one-off experimental project, or any other project, our hope is that you share what you’ve learned and inspire others in our community to create a project they own.

The motivation for the grant goes back to my time as a journalist. I worked at an alt-weekly with a boss who used to yell in our faces. We were pressured to write unlabelled sponsored content for advertisers and other nonsense.

Luckily, a satire publication I started with only $800 and a couple dedicated friends was taking off on Facebook (remember when that used to be a thing that could happen?) and all of a sudden I had to start figuring out how programmatic ads or websites worked. Eventually I did and that became my full time job.

Anyways, it turned out all that stuff my boss was doing wasn’t really that hard. The journalists/content creators are actually producing most of the value – so why can’t we just own the place?

That little satire project changed my life for the better. I didn’t have to get yelled at anymore or work 13 hour days for someone who didn’t care about me (I just had to work 13 hours a day for myself lol). My bank account started to not look like a disaster for the first time in a long time.

That’s what I hope this little bit of money helps with. I hope it can help you find your little project that just hits at the right place and right time and takes off. Or at least take a swing at finding one. I want to do anything I can to make that happen for more journalists. So I hope you apply for our grant, tell a friend to apply, learn along with others in our Slack/Listserv, and regardless of the grant, always look for a way to OWN YOUR WORK.


Matt Saincome/Study Hall”

Study Hall’s Own Your Work grant is only for Study Hall community members, but in order to expand access they’ve created a discount code to give readers of The Writer’s Job access to apply and 90 days of free membership.

Sign up for Study Hall here and use the code “GRANT90”: https://studyhall.xyz/pricing/

Then apply for the grant here: https://forms.gle/ybmhDNNVAWUreK3T8 

About Study Hall: Take your work to the next level with our weekly Digest and Opportunities newsletters, 1000+ connections to top publications hiring in our marketplace ($500+ average rate), and community waterhole gossip and discussion. Learn more: https://studyhall.xyz/pricing/