✍️ TWJN Pro 30 | You thought I forgot about you, didn't you 😇

And I've got some awesome news to share

Happy Thursday to TWJN supporters 👋🏼 

How’s everyone doing? I’m doing … a little worse for wear, but surviving! It’s been a super busy few days for me, travelling to Philly and back 😴

But that’s enough about me. I’ve got some great news for you. 

This would not be possible without all of your support! 🥳

(I also might be hoping that this distracts me being a day late 😇)

But I had to make that up to you all.. so I’ve got a wholeeee bunch of freelance opps, nearly thirty 😁

And we haven’t even hit the weekend yet!

Let’s get to it! ⬇️ ⬇️


So, what do we have in this supporter exclusive?

1️⃣ 15 calls to pitch, multiple $300+ opps

2️⃣ 12 writing jobs

⚡️ TWJN Pro Supporters get more content ⚡️

A second weekly update on Wednesdays with early access to opps

An exclusive list of all the publications that pay. That’s over 800 so far!

A list of over 1,500 pitch calls.. with actual pay rates 


1️⃣ Calls to Pitch

I try to ensure these are well-paid. If not, they’re usually helpful in some other way. We range from new writers to those more established, so keep a like to share range of opportunities


2️⃣ Writing jobs

($100,000 - $120,000, Remote US) Insider | Finance writers! Laura is looking for a senior credit cards editor More info and apply here

($53,000 - $71,000, Remote US) Audubon Magazine | Bird loving writers, this one is for you 😊 They're looking for an associate editor more info and apply here


PS I’m gonna have some exciting news for TWJN over the next few weeks… 👀

⚡️ TWJN Pro Supporters get more content ⚡️

A second weekly update on Wednesdays with early access to opps

An exclusive list of all the publications that pay. That’s over 800 so far!

A list of over 1,500 pitch calls.. with actual pay rates