✍️ TWJN Pro 42 | Twenty five opps 📝

10 pitch calls & 15 writing job opps 🤓

Happy Wednesday to TWJN supporters 👋🏼 

How’s everyone doing? I’m doing great!

Ahhh, it’s finally cooling down here in Austin.. I’m digging Fall down here, I’m all about the pumpkin spice.. who knew?? 🤫 🍁 

Also I always forget just how much Americans LOVE Halloween 😂

Anyway, that’s enough about my autumn thoughts

It’s a good mid-week round-up, but feeling like things are slower right now.. let’s see if that picks up as we get into the lead up to Xmas!

Let’s get to it! ⬇️

So, what do we have in this supporter exclusive?

1️⃣ 10 calls to pitch, with four $100+ opps 💰

2️⃣ 15 writing jobs

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