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- ✍️ TWJN Pro 91 | 35 WRITING GIGS
✍️ TWJN Pro 91 | 35 WRITING GIGS
Morning Brew, PC Gamer, NYT 📣 🎃 📬
Happy Wednesday to TWJN supporters 👋
Hello writers! How’s everyone doing today?
It’s a beaut of a day in Austin today! Sunny, clear skies, and temps in the 70s 🌞 🍂
Perfect weather to sit out on the balcony and round up these writing opps 📣
People who become quite good writers tend to be those who have spent a lot of time being quite bad writers and did not, as a result, run away from themselves.
Never underestimate the power of having a strong stomach for your own shortcomings.
— Paul J. Pastor (@pauljpastor)
5:54 PM • Oct 14, 2024
If you missed the last newsletter, check it out here.
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So, what do we have in this supporter exclusive?
1️⃣ 10 calls to pitch 🚨 📣
2️⃣ 12 contract roles & part-time gigs 👩💻
3️⃣ 13 full-time jobs 💼
Let’s get to it! ⬇️ ⬇️
1️⃣ Calls to Pitch
(£400) Country & Town House | Theresa has budget to commission for the Country & Town House UK & Ireland Hotels Guide 2025. She’d love to hear your zeitgeisty ideas! Pays £400 per feature (this gets paid the calendar month after publication — which is May; deadline for editorial will be late February). They want features that feel like insider views on the UK travel scene. Check out last year’s issue here. Features are generally 1,000 words so about 40p per word. Ideally, she wants all pitches in by end of October. Send pitches to [email protected]